DIY Storage Container

DIY Storage Containers: Coffee-Mate Bottle

Looking for a way to upcycle things around your house to create DIY storage containers? How about a Coffee-Mate creamer bottle into a creative DIY storage container? A DIY Storage container with a lid!

Coffee-Mate bottles are amazing because of their ergonomic shape and helpful pour lid. This makes it an amazing product to reuse for other purposes. This post will list in detail how to reuse a Coffee-Mate creamer bottle into a creative storage container with a lid.

Step 1: Clean it out

Thoroughly clean out your bottle as soon as you are finished with it.
This is important because if you don’t, the residue milk will begin to expire and make a rancid smell.

Step 2: Remove the Wrapper

Peel off the wrapper. You can try and rip it off with your hands, but the most efficient way is to make a small, light cut down the side of the bottle with an exact knife. The rest will come right off.

DIY storage container

Step 3: Label it

With a sharpie, write on the bottle what you are going to fill it with. This is simply for an organizational purpose.

Alternatively, you can use a piece of tape. Write your label on the piece of tape then stick it on the bottle. This way, if you later want to refill the bottle with something else, you can simply peel off the tape and put on another one.

Step 4: Fill with content

Fill the bottle with whatever you want to easily pour out. Examples include coffee, oats, cereal, flour, sugar, etc. You can also fill it with non-food items such as laundry detergent, thumbtacks, or paper clips.

Obviously, this works best when the thing you want to pour out is smaller than the opening. Liquids or coffee grounds work best.


If you enjoyed this idea on how to reuse a Coffee-Mate creamer bottle, make sure to check out these other ideas on how to make creative DIY storage containers.