Book Storage

7 Creative Book Storage Ideas to Maximize Space in your Small Home

When a conventional bookshelf takes up too much space in your small apartment, you need to get creative with your book storage ideas. This post is all about Pinterest’s 7 best ways to store your books creatively, and efficiently.

#1 In the Headboard

This is a good option for those few books you constantly keep on your nightstand. This way they can be tucked away out of sight while still easily accessible.

#2 Utilize the Stairs

A space that is usually not used at all is under the stairs. Why not turn it into a usable space? By adding shelves under the stairs, this otherwise useless space can be used to store books.

#2 In the Couch

There are furniture pieces out there that will allow you to store your books in the structure of the couch. And why not? That space isn’t really being utilized anyways. Might as well give it a purpose by storing your books mostly out of sight.

#4 Floating Books

This is an amazing idea, mostly for aesthetics. It looks clean and minimal and gives an illusion of defying physics. It will keep your books off of the counters and desk space while giving you an amazing conversation starter.

#5 Hidden Shelves

This is a great option for small spaces that you need to keep clean and organized. The bookshelves can be slid away and out of sight to keep the space clean and organized, yet they can be pulled out for easy access when needed.

#6 IKEA Lack Wall Shelf Unit

Nothing says minimal like IKEA products. Although it does not give the illusion of floating completely, it still provides space for many books while lifting them completely off the floor. This can also help your small space seem bigger and cleaner.

#7 Lining the Wall

When you just have too many books for one bookcase, why not use it as part of the interior decoration? By lining all of your books along the wall it can almost act as wallpaper – storing your books while giving the room a super intellectual vibe.


These amazing book storage ideas are super creative and helpful for any book lover, especially one with a small apartment. Which amazing, space-saving book storage idea was your favorite?

When a conventional bookshelf takes up too much space in your small apartment, you need to get creative with your book storage ideas. This post is all about Pinterest’s 7 best ways to store your books creatively, and efficiently.

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