set of skin care products in contemporary bathroom

5 Essential Bathroom Storage Products Every Small Bathroom Needs

How to keep your bathroom clean and organized

Small bathrooms are incredibly challenging because if you don’t keep them clean they can appear very messy very fast. It can be hard to find renter-friendly and cheap products that provide more storage and keep your bathroom organized. In this post, I will list the 5 best small bathroom storage ideas for renters.

#1 Toilet Paper Holder

If your tiny bathroom doesn’t come with a toilet paper roll holder built into the wall already, you will need to acquire your own. In my experience, any renter-friendly wall-mounted toilet paper holder will not stick to the wall for long. That’s why I recommend this floor one:

Toilet Paper Holder

It has space below to hold future rolls, is the perfect height to sit next to you on the toilet, and is super efficient. This holder has a little extra space at the bottom to lift the toilet paper off of the floor so that the fresh toilet paper rolls don’t get wet if water spills on the floor.

Although it does take up floor space, it is the best option because you won’t have to worry about any kind of adhesive failing and your toilet paper falling on the gross, bathroom floor. The renter-friendly wall-mounted toilet paper holders always end up falling off. It’s best not to risk it. This option is a super renter-friendly small bathroom storage solution. No drilling, sticking, or attaching to the wall in any way.

In addition, this is also a relatively cheap option.

#2 Counter Shelf

Bathroom counters can get very messy very fast. Especially if you have a tiny bathroom with a tiny bathroom sink counter. This product makes the most out of your limited counter space.

Bathroom Counter Shelf

It is cheap, fits easily around the sink, and doubles the space in the counter corner. You can get it for only $15 at Target – among other bathroom counter storage products.

#3 Over the Toilet Shelves

An amazing renter-friendly bathroom storage idea is shelves above the toilet. This provides much-needed shelf space for your small bathroom space.

Although floating shelves look nice, they are not always practical and not always renter-friendly. This is why I recommend one that you build and put into space above the toilet.

bathroom shelves

These shelves are adjustable in terms of height and width so they are great if you don’t know the exact dimensions of your bathroom and toilet.

#4 Shower Head Shelf

When there are no shelves or ledge spaces to keep all your products on while in the shower, this product will provide some much-needed space. It fits right onto most showerheads and with a wireframe that lets the water drip through and not pool.

It is a cheap, easy, and renter-friendly storage solution for your shower space.

#5 Hooks

Hooks of any kind are super useful. They utilize the wall space and allow storage for everything from towels to loofahs.

Just be aware that if your bathroom is too small a lot of things hanging from the walls can make the room feel smaller and enclosed as wet towels are constantly in your face and will smell.

wooden hanger with towels and body brushes


Hopefully, this post gave you some ideas on how to organize your small space and renter-friendly storage solutions for your small bathroom.